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Richtlinien für Individualdruck

Bitte senden Sie uns Ihre Druckdaten im PDF-, TIF- oder JPG-Format.
Alle Ebenen müssen auf die Hintergrundebene reduziert werden. Alpha-Kanäle oder Freistellungspfade dürfen
nicht enthalten sein. Ohne Kompression abspeichern, Pixelanordnung Interleaved.
Nur Standard JPG-Format verwenden (kein JPG 2000). Mit maximaler Qualität u. Baseline (Standard) speichern.
Verwenden Sie keine verlustbehafteten Kompressionen für die Bilddaten. Bei JPEG kommt es z.B. leicht zu
Blockartefakten (Klötzchenbildung), wenn die Qualität zu niedrig eingestellt wurde.
PDF-Daten müssen dem PDF/X-3:2002 Standard entsprechen und folgenden Vorausetzungen erfüllen:
• PDF-Version 1.3
• frei von Transparenzen (Transparenzreduzierung)
• enthält keine Kommentare und Formularfelder
• enthält keine Verschlüsselungen (z. B. Kennwortschutz)
• enthält keine OPI-Kommentare
• enthält keine Transferkurven
• besitzt einen OutputIntent (welcher Farbraum: z.B. X-1a)
Alle Schriften müssen in Pfade konvertiert sein.
Farbmodus: CMYK, RGB oder Graustufen, 8 Bit/Kanal. Für den Druck von Poster-/Displaygestaltungen (Kombination
von Pixel- und Vektordaten) müssen die Druckdaten im CMYK Arbeitsfarbraum ISO Coated v2 (ECI) angelegt sein.
Für den Druck von Fotomotiven (reine Pixeldaten) müssen die Druckdaten im RGB-Modus, bzw. im Arbeitsfarbraum
ECI RGB v2 angelegt sein.
Der von uns verwendete CMYK - Profilstandard für die Ausgabe ist ECI ISO Coated V2. Alle eventuell eingebetteten
Profile oder Rendering Intents in den Druckdateien werden verworfen, wobei es zu Farbveränderungen
kommen kann, wenn die Daten nicht im notwendigen Format angeliefert werden.
Bei RGB – Objekten bzw. Bildern kann generell keinerlei Gewähr für die gewünschte Farbe im Druck übernommen
werden, da die Interpretation von RGB nicht verbindlich erfolgen kann. Kundendaten werden unter Beachtung
allgemeingültiger Farbvorstellungen (Hauttöne von Menschen, Farben von Landschaft und Natur) gedruckt.
Für eingebettete Sonderfarben, wie z.B. HKS oder Pantone, kann bei der Konvertierung keine Garantie für eine
perfekte Konvertierung übernommen werden. Vollton-Druckfarben können im Inkjet Bereich nur aus CMYK-Farben
zusammengesetzt werden. Drucke mit Sonderfarben werden nur auf Anfrage bearbeitet.


>>Farbprofil (Mac) AS_R39ISOcoated_GMGST.csf>>

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Which resolution is required?

The rule-of-thumb is: 1 Mio Pixel make 1 m².

At a viewing distance of 1 to 2 meters: 150 DPI
At a viewing distance of 3 to 4 meters: 120 DPI
At a viewing distance of 4 to 10 meters 72 DPI
At a viewing distance of 10 to 15 meters: 35 DPI -50 +
The required resolution of your image file depends on the desired product. Our software automatically indicates with the small signs, which size of wallpaper is recommended and which quality may be expected. The resolution of the picture should be at least 1024 x 768 pixel.

Digital- camera
Resolution (Expl)
Image size
in Pixel
Landscape (Expl) in cmPortrait (Expl) in cm
93 x 70139,5 x 105186 X 140232,5 X 174279 X 37293 x 124139,5 x 186186 x 248232,5 x 310279 x 372
Mio Pixel
1024 x 768solut_goodsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_bad
Mio Pixel
1280 x 960solut_goodsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_bad
2 Mio Pixel1600 x 1200solut_goodsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_badsolut_badsolut_bad
3 Mio Pixel2048 x 1536solut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_badsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_badsolut_bad
4 Mio Pixel2304 x 1728solut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_badsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_badsolut_bad
5 Mio Pixel2560 x 1920solut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_bad
6 Mio Pixel2816 x 2112solut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_bad
7 Mio Pixel3072 x 2304solut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_badsolut_bad
8 Mio Pixel3504 x 2336solut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_bad
Mio Pixel
3882 x 2592solut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_bad
Mio Pixel
4288 x 2848solut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_goodsolut_good

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What is the optimum resolution?

When you create your images with an image editing programme, you should create your image files in the optimum image size (in pixel). Scaling the picture will be unnecessary, and we will be able to print it complete onto the fleece wallpaper without trimming (0,5 – 1 cm).

Please note that this is only an option and not necessarily required!

Photo wallpaper and very large rapports:
desired sizes of wallpaper in a 1:5 ratio at 300 dpi

Small to medium rapports:
complete rapport on width of wallpaper (50 cm) 1:1 at 190 dpi

complete rapport 1:1 at 190 dpi
(Borders are delivered in 5 m pieces)

All formats are printed at 190 dpi.
The calculation up or down to 300 dpi is not necessary, since it renders no improved quality!

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What are my options for image transmission?

We offer several options to upload your pictures. You may always choose the right and best way to upload, depending on your individual preference or the amount of information to be sent.

With Berlintapete, you may choose to process your order directly on our homepage (HTML upload or email transfer). We also offer to place an order via CD/DVD.

Image upload
This upload version is best for sending just a few images.

Email upload
You are welcome to send your pictures via email. Please follow the instructions and transfer your image after the order process as an attachment with an email message to the address shown there.

Order on CD
When you have a large number of different pictures or a slow Internet connection, this option will be best. Please choose the corresponding button "CD/DVD Transfer" and follow the instructions. If you order on CD for the first time, please read through the CD instructions first that are offered in the order window.

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How long does the upload via Internet take?

That depends on the amount and size of your information as well as on your Internet connection. In case of large files and a rather slow internet connection, we recommend an order on CD. Here are a few standards for picture data with 4 Mio. Pixel (~900 Kbyte):

* Modem (56 kbit): ~120 sec / image file
* ISDN (64 kbit): ~100 sec / image file
* DSL (768 kbit): ~50 sec / image file
* dedicated line (2 mbit): ~4 sec / image file

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My pictures are not shown after upload!

This may have various reasons:

1. There were problems during the upload. This may occur due to various reasons, maybe there were problems with the Internet connection. Please try a new upload in such cases. In case this is not successful either, please contact us.
2. The format of the uploaded image files is not supported by us. Your image file must be saved as a JPG, TIF, BMP, GIF oder Photoshop PDF file. Please make sure with re-edited images, that they are saved in RGB or CMYK colour depth.

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Which file formats are accepted?

- CMYK colour spectre
- RGB colour spectre
- highest resolution possible (the rule-of-thumb is: 1 Mio pixel make 1 m²).

Programs - Formats
Please do not create print files in World, Powerpoint, Excell, etc.

We print in CMYK colour spectre. If your image is in RGB colour spectre it will be converted by us and might have a slight color shift.

Most digital cameras save their pictures in JPEG format. We do, of course, support this format.

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Can you also create wallpaper from my photo prints?

We regret that we do not offer this service. We specialize in printing of digital pictures and do not offer scanning services.

HINT: You should easily be able to find a scan service on the Internet using a search engine.

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